Rolling Grocer 19


A full-service grocery store utilizing a Fair Pricing Model
Located at 6 S. 2nd St in Hudson, NY. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 2-7pm, Saturday 11-4pm

Rolling Grocer 19 is a new and innovative food equity project to benefit farmers and consumers in Columbia County. It is a fair and convenient way to purchase a variety of food year-round that offers a range of minimally processed foods to meet the tastes and needs of all people living in the county. Rolling Grocer 19 (RG19) is a year round, full-service grocery store located downstreet in Hudson, NY. We also operate a grocery store on wheels serving the broader Columbia County. 

RG19 represents a community-driven response to the immediate challenges of a food and economically insecure environment that currently exists in the county. Inhabiting a 630 sq ft. storefront and a renovated 16’ trailer, RG19 offers a wide range of wholesome products, including fresh produce, dairy, bread, grains, meat, seafood, non-perishables, toiletries and other miscellaneous products.

Our intention is to provide convenient, quality food for all -- no matter the income level -- with a priority placed on low-income residents. Food is made affordable through a fair pricing system, similar to sliding scale (see Fair Pricing System for more details). At the same time, the stores provides an additional wholesale market for producers, prioritizing sourcing from local environmentally-conscious farmers and distributors, and therefore supporting the direct reinvestment of local spending back into community businesses.



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